Superior Data: Why It Matters and How to Get It
In today’s marketing world, quality data has become a holy grail, sought after by everyone — from small and medium businesses to corporate Goliaths alike.
But how do you know if data is “good,” and why is having superior consumer data so important for businesses?
It Starts With the Audience
How many times have you received an email for a product or service that has nothing to do with you or your interests? The answer is probably too many to count.
But what about those emails that grab your attention, the ones you actually click-through and read? More than likely those emails stand out because they emphasize a product or service that’s relevant to your specific interests. And here’s where data comes into play.
Without superior data, digital marketing campaigns become a one-size-fits-all approach, sending baby boomers and millennials the same generic email and generating poor click-throughs and little to no conversions as a result.
To maximize your reach, you’ve got to put your product in front of consumers who fit your brand. And superior data—data that is reputably sourced, hygiened, tested and responsive—can help you do that. By understanding your ideal customers’ unique needs, interests and behaviors, you can target the right prospects at the right time through the best channels.
Bad Data Is BAD for Business
With the majority of B2B marketers identifying email as their most effective channel for generating revenue, it’s clear that email is essential to successful digital marketing campaigns. Unfortunately, poorly constructed data points like outdated CRMs, incomplete data, inaccurate records, duplicate data and typos can render your campaigns ineffective. And bad or outdated data can also damage your business and reputation.
At Keono, we understand this because providing superior data IS our business. We know that superior data boosts email deliverability, opens and clicks. That’s why we continually develop our verified, tested and trustworthy data and partner with other industry leaders like LashBack to safeguard our customers’ brands.
How to Lock in Superior Data for Your Business
Using quality data to create a targeted campaign approach is key to connecting with your ideal customers. Audience segmentation by gender, age, household income, marital status or even industry-specific interests can help your business develop more authentic customer connections while increasing sales.
Data hygiene is another element to consider when creating a campaign. You can maintain the health of your data by:
Eliminating duplicate records
Removing incomplete or outdated data
Double verifying new subscribers
Ensuring new subscribers are accurately mapped to appropriate data select(s)
Other effective ways to create and maintain superior data for high-performing campaigns include running data against repositories of known complainers and utilizing match and deploy techniques.
Removing complainers (and unsubscribes) from mailing lists reduces complaints and assures you’re reaching interested potential customers. Additionally, techniques like comparing postal files against email databases can help your business accurately match and deploy marketing messages based on geographic locations, allowing you to control and modify the message based on targeted-customer segments.
Make the Commitment to Superior Data
From turning prospects into loyal customers to keeping your established customers engaged, superior data can help your email marketing campaigns excel—targeting consumers based on geographic, demographic and behavioral selects, with reputably sourced, hygiened, tested and responsive data.
Commit to superior data today. Your customers (and their inboxes) will thank you.